Welcome to Tawhiid Islamic Nursery and Primary School

 Tawhiid Islamic Nursery and Primary School is a mixed day school offering Integrated Education. We offer dual curricula i.e. Secular and Islamic Theology. We also have a Leadership Program based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People known as The Leader in Me

Our overall goal is to provide high quality education in the Secular and Islamic Education, side by side with Leadership skills. We equip our children with appropriate knowledge and skills that will enable them to fulfill their duties as Muslims as well as make a meaningful contribution to their Communities, and the Country at large.

We strive to provide a medium through which our children will acquire well balanced knowledge of Deen, Secular Education as well as life skills. We are confident that we offer the highest quality in Education and Services. We have a fully-fledged ICT function with well-equipped computer labs in each section.

We maintain a conducive learning environment and a focused approach to teaching. Our main objective is to promote Moral and Academic Excellence in a caring and secured Islamic environment, providing opportunities for realization of the learners’ full potential. 

We believe in a very simple philosophy: that every child is an individual who should be given a fair chance to be able to learn, be happy and grow in a conducive environment



To provide an integrated quality education which will enable our future generation to have valuable productive and moral values.


To have an Islamic Model Primary School which provides the highest quality Education.


Education is Light


Tawhiid Islamic School where Leaders are nurtured.


Tawhiid Islamic School is guided by the following beliefs:

•         God Fearing

•         Respect

•         Customer Care

•         Integrity

•         Commitment


We believe in a very simple philosophy - that every child is an individual who should be given a fair chance to be able to learn, be happy and grow in a conducive environment.

Contact Us

Mwanga II Road, Mengo-Kisenyi, Kampala

+256-393 333 334
